Back to school essentials!

What you really need for the start of school
It's back to school time - here's our school essentials...
Assuming you have a brass or woodwind instrument and that it's been regularly serviced, here are some accessories that will keep you in tip-top condition this term.
Sanitiser Spray
Sanitiser spray has become as essential bit of kit. We sell a variety of different brands, but the eco credentials of the Edgware brand really appeals to us.
Bell Cover
Granted, this is this probably not what you'd ever expect to be buying, but in the purpose of trying to protect yourself and others these 100% cotton and washable covers are the wind musician's equivalent to a face-covering. With negligible effect to the instrument's tuning and pitch, these elasticated covered create a shield to reduce (note the word 'reduce') respiratory droplets from exiting the bell.
Valve Oil
Whatever size or spec you brass instrument is, guaranteed you need valve oil! Ultra Pure is a non-toxic variety; reassuring if in the hands of children.
La Tromba is a classic all-rounder grease. It's even the choice of our workshop team! It's excellent value, smells like Coca-Cola we think and it lasts for ages!
Polishing Cloth
Get rid of grubby prints! With dirt and sweat on the fingers it doesn't take long for an instrument to start tarnishing. You don't want to apply any liquids to the instrument, a simple regular wipe off is all you need. Get your instruments gleaming with this cloth impregnated with polish.
Mouthpiece Brushes
A small brush is endlessly useful; you won't believe what kind of germs and foodstuff can linger in a mouthpiece. Give it a good clean with these small but perfectly formed brushes.
Music Bag
Look the part - play the part! The Montford Music bags feel like leather but are actually synthetic. "Fake it till you make it!" Available in a variety of colours - you can get the perfect match to your school colours!
As the brass musician needs oil, so the woodwind musician needs reeds! Please discard those chewed reeds from your case and start the term afresh! There's a huge amount of reeds out there (click here to view all), but the Juno reeds represent great value for students and come from the esteemed Vandoren brand. Only £4.48 for a clarinet 3 pack.