Yamaha YCL250 to Yamaha YCL255; what’s the difference?

The Yamaha YCL255 is one of our bestselling student clarinets and has seen several changes to be the instrument you see on the shelves today. These changes have made the YCL255 the perfect start for young clarinet students making the instrument lighter and more comfortable to play.
- Ring-less bell
- 25% bigger thumb surface
- Realigned ring for strength
- 4 times stronger
- Adjustable thumb rest
- 12mm adjustable
As one of our most popular student clarinets the Yamaha YCL255S can take the player to roughly grade 6 level and comes with the highly regarded Yamaha 4C mouthpiece and a case/ accessories included. This clarinet should definitely be part of your line up to try in our shop alongside the Buffet Prodige, Jupiter 700S and JP221 models.
Browse student clarinets or Read our Clarinet Buying Guide