Ten Tips to be a Thrifty Musician

Thrifty Musical Tips
Everyone's budgets are being squeezed, so spend wisely and you will get the most from your musical investment...
1. Bulk buy!
If you buy reeds in bulk, rather than individually they should always work out better value. Also, we offer a mix and match Multibuy. You can buy any three reed products and get 7.5% off or buy five and get 10% off - saving you even more!
2. Look after your reeds
Remove reeds after use and keep them safely stored in a case, humidity controlled ideally, and they will serve you much longer.
Explore Reed Cases
3. Invest in new technology
There have been huge advancements in reed manufacturing and you can now buy individual reeds made from synthetic materials, some of which are guaranteed to last six months or more. They can a bigger outlay, but many work out more cost effective compared to your normal traditional reed. And the multibuy discounts still apply!
Brands to explore include Venn, Legere, Fibracell, Plasticover, Silverstein
4. Grease your joints
If you keep your joints clean and greased on your instrument you will avoid bending keys. This is the single best way to prevent a trip to our workshop! Before applying grease it's important to remove the existing grease so that you don't build up too many layers. You can use a piece of kitchen roll to remove it - add a little lighter fluid to the paper towel for better results.
Browse Grease
5. Keep it gleaming
Over time sweat can tarnish instruments and even pit plating. Avoid adding unnecessary polishes to your instrument which can clog up the mechanics, a polishing cloth impregnated with polish is better. And of course, always play with clean hands!
Find the right type of Polishing Cloth.
6. Brush the dirt away
Extend the life and health of you and your mouthpiece by keeping your mouthpiece clean and bug free. For brass and the majority of woodwind instruments, a mouthpiece brush is an invaluable item. We've also created some helpful guides how to clean your mouthpiece, for brass and woodwind. Invest in a brush.
Browse Brass Cleaning & Maintenance or Woodwind Cleaning & Maintenance for your type of instrument.
7. Buy secondhand
Our pre-loved secondhand and ex-demo department is the best place to find instruments and accessories at a reduced rate. Browse by instrument and see what bargains you find, or join our Facebook Pre-loved Group to see all the latest sale items first.
8. Hire before you buy
Before investing in an instrument, hiring can be a great way to dip your toe into the water of an instrument. Time your hire correctly and you can off-set a maximum of 6 months' rental payments off the price of your instrument. This also helps reduce the balance payable.
Find out more about renting...
9. Explore your finance options
Depending on the instrument you wish to buy and over what period of time, there can be various options to make buying an instrument more affordable. A minimum order value of £275 applies and will be subject to status.
What are my finance options?
10. Get Free Shipping
If you're in Mainland UK, spend £30 or more on new products, your shipping is free!
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Follow our tips to save money and the money saved might help you towards your next instrument!